Category Archives: Rooted in the Soil

Rooted in the Soil

Ken and Katya Riley

Ken and Katya Riley educate customers about healthy eating and living on their land in Milford Bay.

Story and photo by Sarah Ryeland

For the past 134 years, the Riley family has been working the land in Milford Bay.

Brooklands Farm, named after the stream winding its way through the property, is a haven of fresh vegetables, berries, honey and old-fashioned hospitality.

Ken and Katya Riley are the husband and wife team that owns and operates the successful farm. Located just off Highway 118 on the aptly named Butter and Egg Road, the farm is both easily accessible and peacefully quiet.

The only sounds you’ll hear are those from delighted customers picking berries, purchasing corn or asking the Rileys for advice…

More of the Brooklands story